Hi all
first sorry for my english but i’m italian, hope you all excuse me for my errors 
So i need have a map with shaded relief for my country especially for area around Rome. I work with ArcGis Explorer and i had download the raster in Large scale data, 1:10m i think is the best on the site. But there is no detail just 20km image are illegibile i see also Shaded Relief site but the same there are no maps with detail…
Check out this site for other digital elevation models and description about what raster cell size resolution is best for you:
The Natural Earth rasters will only look good for Italy as a country or maybe a section of Italy. They do not scale up to show a metro area like Rome at detail.
All the images here and at the Shaded Relief site are in TIF and JPG formats. You can download them and preview the large size (not just look at the thumbnail images on the web pages).
Hi Nathaniel
thanks a lot for answer i have a lot to study 
for now i’m using shaded relief layer (base) who can download by esri mapping center for now is useful hope to see in future a better resolution map.
Again thanks for explanations