Dear all,
first of all, thank you for letting these amazing datasets in the public domain 
Then my question: although the downloaded Tiff files appear properly when I open them with a “normal” image viewer, the default display in Qgis is quite ugly: (this is supposed to be the 50M Cross-blended Hypsometrix Tints with shaded relief and water).
Any idea how to get the beautiful natural colours?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Sorry about that…. I thought that I had already checked the statistics of the image, but I actually hadn’t…
So, for those who might face the same problem:
– Right click on the image in the “Layers” panel
– Go to Properties
– Go to Style
– Under “Load min / max values from band”, Select “Actual (slower)”
– Click on Load
– Under “Contrast enhancement”, Select “Stretch to MinMax”
– Clik on “Apply” or “Ok”