Hello Nathan and the team,
Firstly thanks for such a great resource. I’d been looking for years for dependable, up-to-date, freely available country boundaries and yours tick all the boxes for me.
I have just used your Admin-0 Countries layers to update my R package : rworldmap.
For a brief introductory tutorial see :
The package allows users to join their own country level data referenced by ISO codes or country names to the Natural Earth boundaries and produce publication quality chloropleth maps and bubble plots. The recent update copes with data referenced by commonly used English synonyms e.g. the following names would all work for North Korea : ‘Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of’,’Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’,’Korea, North’,’North Korea’, ‘Korea, Dem. Rep.’.
If anyone has any questions, do get in touch.
Thanks again,
Andy, This is super awesome, thanks for putting it together and sharing here 
Thanks Nathaniel, and apologies for getting your name wrong first time ! Andy