Thanks for a great data set. My question:
Is it possible to join data from the populated places set to the adm-0-units set? i.e., determine that Cayenne is in French Guiana, rather than in France?
@Anthony: Map units are not included at this time with the default populated places attributes. It would be a good idea to include them in the future. For now, you can calculate this roughly by doing a “spatial join” between the populated places theme and the admin-0 map units theme. In the free QGIS this is “join attributes by location”. Just a reminder: French Guiana is a region of France equal to the other regions of France. The ISO calling that region a “country” is akin to calling Alaska and Hawaii separate countries than the mainland US.
@Nathaniel: Thank you for your quick reply. I opted for the spatial join as a temporary measure, but will definitely need to adjust my approach later on. Thanks for the reminder, though I was aware of the distinction.