I’m trying to understand the attributes in the 10m-cultural-vectors/10m-admin-1-states-provinces shapefile. Essentially, what I’m looking for is a standard code that I can use to join a feature to other data sources, so I figured adm1_code might be a good place to start. The trouble is, I can’t tell what kind of code this is – is it an ISO code? It looks like the 3-character ISO variant followed by whatever’s in the diss_me column. So what is diss_me? Let’s take Baghlan province in Afghanistan as an example. The ISO-3166-2 code is AF-BGL, as far as I can tell. adm1_code from the shapefile is AFG-1766. diss_me is 1766. HASC is AF.BL. Geonames, by the way, has it listed under AF.03. Thoughts?