Hi – I am a total newbie with GIS; I produce global gridded datasets on constant-increment latitude/longitude grids at 0.25, 1, and 2.5-deg grid spacing. [And to be picky, all of the griddings have lat./long.=0,0, i.e., the Equator at the Prime Meridian, as a a gridbox corner.] I keep getting requests from users to tell them which grid boxes correspond to which countries. I’m told I can take shape files and do a bunch of things, including a lot of manual checking, but I’m guessing someone has already done it. Are such global gridded country files available someplace in Natural Earth or someplace else? – strong preference for free, of course.
@wxmangjh: A prebuilt raster of the admin-0 countries in Natural Earth is not available as a default download. However, it should be simple for the vector files to be converted to that format. Good luck!