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1:110m Cultural Vectors

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NOTE: Version number indicates the update cycle when that theme was last updated. An older version number indicates updates have not been necessary since then.

Admin 0 – Countries

There are 258 countries in the world. Greenland as separate from Denmark. Most users will want this file instead of sovereign states, though some users will want map units instead when needing to distinguish overseas regions of France.

Natural Earth shows de facto boundaries by default according to who controls the territory, versus de jure.

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Admin 0 – Details

There are 209 sovereign states in the world, though only 199 issue passports. Auxiliary themes include 298 cartographic map units and 360 subunits optimized for labeling edge cases, like the four constitute countries of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom.

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Admin 0 – Boundary Lines

Country boundaries on land and offshore

Natural Earth shows de facto boundaries by default according to who controls the territory, versus de jure. Adjusted to taste which boundaries are shown, hidden, and how they are rendered using the fclass_* properties to create POV worldviews.

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Admin 1 – States, Provinces

Internal administrative divisions of countries

Natural Earth shows de facto boundaries by default according to who controls the territory, versus de jure. Adjusted to taste which boundaries are shown, hidden, and how they are rendered using the fclass_* properties to create POV worldviews.

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Populated Places

City and town points, from Tokyo to Cairo

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