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1:10m Raster Data

Natural Earth features 7 types of raster files at 1:10 million-scale to suit your bandwidth and content focus. Two versions of the 10 million-scale raster data are offered: high resolution files at 21,600 x 10,800 pixels and low resolution at 16,200 x 8,100. The raster files register precisely with the 10m vector data. Embedded raster content includes: land cover, shaded relief, ocean water, and drainages with lakes. All files include a TFW world file.

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Files have been downloaded 1,028,720 times.


Cross-blended Hypsometric Tints

Shaded relief combined with custom elevation colors based on climate—humid lowlands are green and arid lowlands brown. As in nature, the map colors gradually blend into one another across regions (x and y axis) and from lowlands to highlands (z axis), hence the name cross-blended hypsometric tints.


Natural Earth 1

Satellite-derived land cover data and shaded relief presented with a light, natural palette suitable for making thematic and reference maps. Natural Earth I is available with ocean bottom data, or without.


Natural Earth 2

This data derived from Natural Earth 1 portrays the world environment in an idealized manner with little human influence. The softly blended colors of Natural Earth 2 are ideal for historical mapping, because it shows the world much as it looked before the modern era.


Ocean Bottom

Blended depth colors and relief shading of the ocean bottom derived from CleanTOPO2 data. The ocean color extends beneath land areas as a flat tint—mask it with the 10m Natural Earth vector shoreline, or a shoreline from another data source.


Shaded Relief

Grayscale shaded relief of land areas only derived from downsampled SRTM Plus elevation data clipped to the 10 million-scale Natural Earth coastline. A flat gray tint fills water areas.


Gray Earth

Worldwide terrain depicted monochromatically in shades of gray. It combines shaded relief and regionally adjusted hypsography that emphasizes both high mountains and the micro terrain found in lowlands.


Manual Shaded Relief of Contiguous US

Generalized shaded relief of land areas only fitted to the 10 million-scale Natural Earth coastline, drainages, political boundaries, and spot elevations. A flat gray tint fills water areas. Relief coverage also includes southern Canada, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean.